Meet the Crew


Amy took over the shop in 2007 and hasn’t looked back. Amy and her husband have fished the Cape since they were kids even though they are “wash-ashores”. Now their 3 boys are fishing the Cape waters. Amy loves keeping the history and tradition that Bill Hill and Karen Hill started back in the 50’s when the Old Salt and Sports Port started serving the fishermen of Cape Cod.

Capt. Ben

Capt. Ben ran a charter boat out of Hyannis for many years. Ben mostly works at Sports Port on the weekends, but you can often find him in the shop enjoying a cup of tea in between his bus routes. To say that Ben is passionate about fishing for striped bass in the Monomoy rips would be an understatement. Come in to see Ben and he can tell you what to put on the end of your line, where to drop your line and what tide you want to fish. If Ben isn’t fishing, he loves talking about it.


Frank is an active member of the Bass club and the sole owner/operator of Amazing Baits. In his free time, you can find him at the shop doing magic tricks for kids and getting anglers tuned into a new fishing spot.